Sunday, January 30, 2022

Impulsivity and Why I Cut Off All My Hair

impulsivity: a tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought, reflection, or consideration of the consequences. Impulsive actions are typically "poorly conceived, prematurely expressed, unduly risky, or inappropriate to the situation that often result in undesirable consequences," which imperil long-term goals and strategies for success.

    Cutting all my hair off was definitely impulsive, I know that. Why I did it exactly? I still don't really know. It started innocent enough, simply trying to trim my hair up myself. Why would I go to Great Clips and blow 15 bucks on a simple haircut I could do myself? However, giving yourself a proper haircut is unfortunately not something you can do with no prior knowledge or experience. Now that I am typing that out, it seems so blatantly obvious. In that moment though, I was sure of my abilities and genuinely thought I could just figure it out as I went. That was wrong. A simple fade turned into trying to thin out the much longer hair on top. I also did not have any scissors and decided a straight comb and an electric razor would be enough to get the job done. That was also wrong. If you take anything from this post, make sure it is: having scissors is important when cutting your hair.

   So after absolutely screwing up my hair beyond repair, I decided to just buzz it all off. I have always been fascinated with the idea of buzzing off my hair. To me it represents a fresh start and always seemed like it would be a catalyst for me to change my life for the better. Giving myself this 2007 Britney Spears type of haircut, was a decision I made with zero consideration for anyone else. And why should I consider anyone else's opinion? It's my hair, and if I want to buzz it off, why shouldn't I? I am not saying that living your life never considering others is healthy, but if you base your ever
y decision based on the approval of others, you may never get to feel the cool wind blow all over your near bald head.

    When I began my D.I.Y haircut, I subconsciously knew what I truly wanted to do was buzz all my hair off. I admittedly sat on the fence for a while, but finally doing it felt refreshingly rewarding. That was a decision I made by listening to only my own impulsiveness and curiosity, and a decision that once I followed through with I did not regret. The most odd thing about the whole situation is how much other people cared about the hair upon my head. I had people ask me "Are you okay?" /"Did you and your girlfriend break up?"/"Why would you do that?". It is like in everyone else's mind, cutting your hair off means you are at rock bottom or joining the military. Buzzcuts are good for these purposes too though, because in both of these instances, you want to have a clean slate and disassociate from the "old you". Everyone who gave commentary on my haircut for the most part said something along the lines of "Well, it will grow out.". That implies that they believe it was a stupid mistake; one that I surely regret. Wrong once again. I like my buzzed head. It brings out my eyebrows. 

    Moral of the story: Do not let the approval of others hold you back from doing things you aspire to do. Sometimes, you need to tap into your impulsive side and let it guide you. If you are thinking about only how you are perceived, how are you ever gonna be able to be a truly fulfilled version of yourself?  I think my buzzcut did exactly what I wanted, and symbolizes that I am actively trying to better myself as well as it is a figurative middle finger to everyone's opinions of me. 
some very wise words <3


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